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Happy Days Sock Hop In Kind Donation Info & Form

The Jay Focus Group

Happy Days Sock Hop
will be held 
Sat., July 27     
 6:30 - 10:30 pm
Windy River Farm, 1195 Loop Rd., Westfield, VT

Donations needed no later than
May 1, 2024

Live Auction -
Gift Baskets
for men, women
, kids, babies & pets
Works of Art & Crafts - lg to small

Gift Certificates/Cards for

Stay Package at your B&B,
Lake or Vast Trail Rental Cabin


$25 Lucky Draw -
(Gift Certificate/Card Value of $25 up to $200)

Super 50/50 Raffle -
(Gift Certificate/Card Minimum $25 Value)

Contest Prizes -
Gift Certificate/Cards $50 Value)

Gifts Certificates/Cards
can be mailed to
Jay Focus Group
PO Box 323
North Troy, VT 05859

for delivery & or pickup of
Gift Baskets, Larger Items
email or call Peggy at 802.343.5687

Thank you for your donation!


Sock Hop In-Kind Donation Form
Options, Select all that apply

Thank you for your In-Kind Donation, an email confirmation will be sent within 24 hrs.

President - Sally Rivard
1st Vice President  overseeing Community Events
Kathy DiCarlo 
2nd Vice President overseeing community events - Kellie Flanders 
Secretary - Janice Kruse
Executive Director & Treasurer- Peggy Loux
Fundraising Team - Sally Rivard,
Shannon Escalante, Peggy Loux
Grant Writer - Denise Rossignol
Webmaster - Peggy Loux

Assistant  Executive Director - Shannon Escalante

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PO Box 323
North Troy, VT 05859

+1 (802) 343-5687
EIN # 30-0559725 

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©2020 by BZ - Jay Focus Group.

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