Say Hello to Our Volunteers
Our team of givers is dedicated to continuing and expanding our charitable mission. We are a family of creative minds, qualified volunteers, and diverse professionals who focus our different skills and expertise on a singular goal of serving the needs of Orleans County, VT
We would like to thank the following volunteers
who have and do help us year after year with our events and fundraisers:
Lynnette Deaette, Arlene Abadi, Lorna Johnson
Steve & Ann Edgerley, Erv & Barb Laware, Neil & Cindy Hawley,
Kelly Bradley, Kurtis Johnson, Steve Button, Courtney Mead & Tanya Sousa
Jeff & Tara Morse, Harold & Joanne Morse, Jonas Philhower
Irene McDermut, Rose Bathalon, Haley Goff, Ursula Smith,
Belinda Schrock, Cindy Corsano-Willis, Gloria Willis, Rose Bathalon
Founding Members:
GeeGee Zaveson, Bryan Bowers, Jude & Ursula Smith
Mike & Linda Brady, Denis Desjarlais, Todd & Myra Alix,
Peter & Karen Fina, Ron James & Teresa Patch, Svein & Janice Kruse,
Pat & Dave Sanders, Peggy Loux & Doug James, Mike & Tanya Pappalardo,
Chris & John Engler, Dee & Marc Boroughs-Biron, Sally & Bill Rivard,
Jeff & Laura Romanowski