Jay Area Food Shelf serves the towns of Jay, Lowell, North Troy, Troy & Westfield
has new location at 1375 Cross Rd., Jay, VT same bldg as Jay/Troy Recycle Ctr.

2024 Sponsors Include:
Troy & Area Lions Club,
Towns of Jay, Westfield, Lowell, Troy/N.Troy
Jay Village Inn & Restaurant
Jay Country Store
Troy Country Store,
Troy General Store
Westfield General Store
Junction Restaurant,
Price Chopper
Village Market
VT Community Fund
Intershack Organization

Seasonal appropriate Clothing must be sorted accordingly in separate bags/boxes and may be rejected if unsuitable.
Please do not drop off any clothing for food shelf on the Jay Town Hall front porch or in front of the door to Food Shelf.
Seasonal Clothing Drives are normally planned every 6 weeks.
Thank you for your support of the
Jay Area Food Shelf.
Monetary donations may be made by mailing check made out to Jay Area Food Shelf to Jay Focus Group, PO Box 323, North Troy, VT 05859 or online donations at www.jayfocusgp.com
The Jay Focus Group pulled the winning tickets on the 2024 Spring $10 Jay Area Food Shelf Raffle April 25, 2024
1st Draw - Emily Austin won $25 Gift Card to Troy Country Store
2nd Draw - Pam Tetreault won $50 Gift Card to Westfield General Store
3rd Draw - Brendan Cotter won $100 Gift Card to Jay Village Inn & Restaurant
4th Draw - Sandy Bowman won $25 Gift Card to Jay Country Store
5th Draw - Bill Rivard won $50 Gift Card to Price Chopper
6th Draw - Sally Rivard won $100 Gift Card to The Junction Restaurant, Troy
A huge thank you to all who purchased a $10 Raffle Ticket for the Jay Area Food Shelf serving the towns of Jay, Lowell, North Troy, Troy & Westfield. $3000 will go a long way to feeding our community membersAnd a HUGE THANK YOU to Jay Country Store, Troy Country Store, Westfield General Store, Jay Village Inn, Junction Restaurant and Price Chopper for your generous donations.
The Jay Area Community Food Shelf is available to members of the greater Jay community (residents of Jay, Lowell, North Troy, Troy & Westfield) based on need.
It is located in the basement level of the Jay Town Clerk's office and is open Thursdays from 9:00 am- noon.
The Jay Area Community Food Shelf under the auspices of the Jay Focus Group, 501 (c)3, is manned by volunteer Kim Lucier.
Visit Kim on Thursday mornings to sign up and/or see what types of services are available.
Want to help but don't know how?
Donate on-line or take a check to Jay Town Hall, A $50 donation buys 500 lbs of food.
Suggestions include: Every time you do your weekly shopping buy 1 or 2 items for the food shelf and once a month drop them off at the Jay Town Hall. Or when emptying your pockets of change put them in a special jar and take to Jay Town Hall once a month. Jay Town Clerk, Lynnette Deaette, will be happy to give your donations to Kim Arel. A great way to teach your children the value of helping out community members in need.
While planting your garden this year, plant an extra row of beans, corn, carrots, lettuce, spinach, beets, cukes, summer & winter squash, potatoes etc for the Food Shelf.
Non-Perishable Foods Needed:- No Glass Please!
Canned - Meats, Vegetables, Fruits, & Soups. Peanut Butter, Macaroni & Cheese, Evaporated Milk, Dry Powdered Milk, Nutritional Liquid Supplements, Rice, Pasta, Dry Cereals (Hot & Cold), Dried Fruits, Pasta Sauce, Coffee, Tea, 100% Juices (can or plastic containers), as well as Dish & Laundry Detergent, Paper Goods, Cleaning Supplies, Disposable Diapers (Child & Adult), Tooth Brushes, Tooth Paste, Deodorant , Bath Soap, and don't forget the animals, Dog or Cat Food is always appreciated.
Every year JFG members and the public choose gift ornaments for Food Shelf Children for the Christmas Holidays.
CSFP Commodity Supplemental Food Program (Senior Boxes)
- who is eligible, guidelines, how to sign up.
The Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) is a USDA nutrition program that offers free monthly nutrition information and a box of nutritrious foods.
Do you know someone in need of free monthly boxes?
CSFP eligibility.
60 years of age or older, living in Vermont and income-eligible.
A child under 6 years of age and not already in the WIC program.
A woman who is pregnant or post-partum for less than a year and not already in the WIC program.
Individual and/or household income will be used to determine eligibility.
Each household member may be eligible, and will need to complete and application form.
Each eligible person receives his or her own box of nutritious foods once a month delievered to the Community Food Shelf in Jay Town Hall. Pick up is available from 9am-noon each Thursday. People can participate in other commodity programs at the same time, but they cannot be enrolled in more than one CSFP site.
Sample Income Guidlines
1 person $1106. per month
2 people $1483. per month
1 person $1574. per month
2 people $2111. per month
Go to your local Community Food Shelf (for the towns of Jay, Lowell, North Troy, Troy, Westfield) located in the Jay Town Hall, Thursdays, 9am-noon to get application and sign up, or call Kim Arel at 802.848.3133 (email kim.lucier1961@gmail.com) or the VT Food Bank at 800.585.2265 to have questions answered and to enroll).
January, 2022
The Jay Focus Group is proud to announce our new alliance with the Jay Area Food Shelf serving the towns of Jay, Lowell, North Troy, Troy & Westfield. Many thanks to the First Congregational Church of North Troy for their many years of service as the 501(c) 3 for the Jay Area Food Shelf. In order for the VT Food Bank to sell and transport to the Jay Area Food Shelf. They REQUIRE the food shelf to align with a 501(c) 3. In order to keep our donation funds used exclusively for the Jay Area.
Over the years we have happily raised funds, and supported food & clothing drives for the Jay Area Food Shelf and we are happy to continue to support Kim Lucier, Director of the food shelf, going forward. The Food Shelf depends on donations and appropriations. A very special thanks to everyone who donated time, food and money to the food shelf. With the continued support & generosity from area community members, the food shelf can continue to serve many people in the area when they need a little help.
For information, whether you qualify for the food shelf program, or the USDA Commodities, please visit the food shelf site in the Jay Municipal Building, on Thursday during operation hours of 9 am to noon or email kim.lucier1961@gmail.com.
For those who wish to make a donation of money, you can do so by sending a check to Jay Area Food Shelf, c/o Jay Town Clerk’s Office, 1036 VT RTE 242, Jay, VT 05859 or online via PayPal thru the Jay Focus Group - www.jayfocusgp.com.
Thanks to all who helped make the program a success. A special thanks to Berry Creek Farm for their seasonal in-kind donations. Many thanks to individuals/businesses/organizations who did food drives and/or donated food directly to the Food Shelf and to the many individuals/businesses/organizations for their generous donations. Thanks to your help, The Jay Area Food Shelf served approximately 550 people in the towns of Jay, Lowell, North Troy, Troy & Westfield,
Non-Perishable Foods Needed:- No Glass Please!
Canned - Meats, Vegetables, Fruits, & Soups. Peanut Butter, Macaroni & Cheese, Evaporated Milk, Dry Powdered Milk, Nutritional Liquid Supplements, Rice, Pasta, Dry Cerals (Hot & Cold), Dried Fruits, Pasta Sauce, Coffee, Tea, 100% Juices (can or plastic containers), as well as Dish & Laundry Detergent, Paper Goods, Cleaning Supplies, Disposable Diapers (Child & Adult), Tooth Brushes, Tooth Paste, Deodorant , Bath Soap, and don't forget the animals, Dog or Cat Food is always appreciated.
In doubt? email Kim Lucier at kim.lucier61@gmail.com and please drop off during regular food shelf hours.
Jay Focus Group Committee Members
denny lyster - dlyster11@gmail.com - financials
ladonna dunn - dialladonna@yahoo.com
shannon escalante - shannonescalante@hotmail.com
sue cole - sedyercole@gmail.com
sally rivard - sallyrivard@gmail.com
peggy loux - jayfocusgp@gmail.com
janice kruse
Kim Lucier - Food Shelf Coordinator Volunteer kim.lucier61@gmail.com 802.744.2441